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Edit your Videos with AI.

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no shared Data and no additional Fees

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easy to use

for editing with 

a little nuthead

Edit your projects  with AI

Don't waste your time or money by doing stuff an AI can do. But what's our Nuthead AI capable of and for whom is it for?
Check it out below.

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Sync & Prepare

Nuthead AI is the starting point for video editing with Final Cut. It efficiently synchronizes multiple camera angles, smartly nests clips for simplified color grading, and streamlines the HDR workflow. Whether working with various camera perspectives or handling recording breaks, Nuthead AI adapts to your needs effortlessly.

generated picture of a film set
Feed the Cat

Trim & Cut

With just one click, Nuthead AI removes silences and cuts out repetitions, helping you edit effortlessly. If you're recording a semi-prepared script and need to restart a sentence, Nuthead AI trims the initial attempt, significantly reducing editing time for presentations and speaking segments.

Ripple Delete

Testimonials & Bulk Processing

If you've conducted numerous interviews, Nuthead AI can help you process them and prepare for testimonial use. It synchronizes two camera angles and handles repetitive prep tasks, saving you the manual work of editing each interview individually.

generated picture of a business video

Nuthead AI is available for free for small businesses.

Have more than 200 employees? Contact us to discuss our enterprise options.

happy robot


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